St. Marys Catholic Church, Dubai, UAE

The city of Dubai grew up from 1883 when the present reigning dynasty took residence in the south of the bay which now covers an area of 4,000, with about 400,000 inhabitants. Famous in the past as a market-place exporting gold and for printing stamps, Dubai owes its present prosperity to its oil resources which have made it the commercial center of the Emirates.

Church 1988

St. Mary's Catholic Church Dubai


Fr. Eusebio Daveri. | 1967

Church of the Assumption built in 1967 by Fr. Eusebio Daveri. It was demolished in 1988 to make way for a larger church to accommodate the growing number of Catholics

H.E. Mgr. Magliacani with H.H. Rashid Bin Saeed AI Maktoum, Sheikh of Dubai on the occasion of the Church's blessing, 7 April 1967

The Catholic community was at first served from Bahrain, but with the passage of time there was a need for a priest permanently residing there. Fr. Barnabas therefore turned to the wise and benevolent Sheikh Rashid and requested an area for a house of worship. This was immediately granted, but it was not used as it was too far.

In 1965 Fr. Eusebio Daveri arrived in Dubai. He obtained an area that was more convenient and, all by himself, began to make the preparations for a building. In the begining of 1966 a parish hall was ready. The foundation stone for the church was laid by Sheikh Rashid himself on 25 May 1966, and on 7 April 1967 it was solemnly blessed by Mgr. Magliacani and dedicated to Mary Assumed into Heaven.


The new Church inaugurated on November 1989

Today, the Catholic congregation in Dubai numbers more than 200,000 faithful. Their spiritual needs have been looked after by the Fathers:


Rev. Fr. Eusebio Daveri


Rev. Fr. Daniele Cerofolini
1982-1984 & 1986-2004


Rev. Fr. Eugenio Mattioli


Rev. Fr. Peter P. M.


Rev. Fr. Tomasito B. Veneracion
2009 - 2014


Rev. Fr. Lennie J. A. Connully
Since Oct 2014

There was also in Dubai, from 1977, an Arab priest from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, who attended to the spiritual needs of the Arabic and French communities. Fathers Moroun, Assan, Labib and Riad have worked there too. Today we have a Capuchin priest from Lebanon.

The increase in the number of the faithful necessitated the construction of a new and larger church. It was inaugurated on 3rd November 1989 by Cardinal Josef Tomko, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People. Constructed on the site of the old church, it can accommodate 2,000 persons and is an outstanding monument to the first century of the Vicariate's existence. Also, the father's house has been rebuilt, with new offices.

(Records from The Apostolic Vicariate of Arabia, A Centenary of Service

For more details

St. Mary's Catholic Church

P.O.Box : 51200,
United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 4 3370087
Fax: +971 4 3347594

Dubai MCC

Malayalee Catholic Congregation
Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 3370087 Ext.122
Website :

Word of God

തന്റെ പുത്രനും നമ്മുടെ കര്‍ത്താവുമായ യേശുക്രിസ്തുവിന്റെ സഹവാസത്തിലേക്കു നിങ്ങളെ വിളിച്ച ദൈവം വിശ്വസ്തനാണ്.
1 കോറി. 1:9

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