
Nurse Ministry is a movement of Catholic Professional Nurses, committed to the 'caring and healing' Ministry of Jesus Christ under the patronage of the Bishops from both vicariates of Arabia.

In the midst of sickness and pain every individual longs for support, love and care. During these difficult times, a nurse who is filled with Holy Spirit can lead them to the living God. Thus Nurses Ministry has its own importance and role to play in the growth of the Catholic Church in this contemporary world. Nursing starts from the womb and it continues till the tomb. A nurse who has recognized the 'call' of her/ his profession, will be able to lead the sick to the divine healer-Jesus Christ. Nurses Ministry aims to help every Nurse to know and love Jesus and realize that Nursing is a GREAT CALL to witness Jesus.

Vision: - Vision of Nurse's Ministry is that All Nurses around the world shall know and love Jesus, be filled with Holy Spirit and become Saints. The ministry believes that a nurse who experience the love of God will witness Jesus Christ to everyone she encounters.

Mission:- The essence of this ministry is to know Jesus, experience Jesus and to give Jesus through loving, caring, witnessing and reaching out to nurses in need; in other words, a spontaneous and gracious effort to extend the healing touch of the Lord.

Nurses Ministry provides the necessary guidance and support for nurses to live a life of holiness, through personnel prayer, sacramental life, word of God and fellowship. There by empowering them to reach out to other nurses. Presence of a spirit filled nurse among the sufferings can bring miraculous healing touch of Jesus to the humanity.

Nurses Ministry started at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Dubai in the year 2003. Slowly and steadily the Nurses Ministry has spread to all emirates of UAE. Thereafter to the other GCC countries with the support, approval and guidance of Bishops from Northern and southern Vicariate of Arabia. Now by the grace of God expanding its wings to different continents.

Activities of Nurses ministry in Dubai church:

1. Prayer gatherings

Every Saturday 06:00pm to 08:00pm - Language Malayalam

4th Saturday of the month - Language - English

2. Intersession prayer

Every Monday 06:00pm to 07:00pm

3. Vigil prayer:

Last Sunday of the month 07:30pm to 09:30pm (as per the convenience of the room)


For more details, Please refer to

St. Mary's Catholic Church

P.O.Box : 51200,
United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 4 3370087
Fax: +971 4 3347594

Dubai MCC

Malayalee Catholic Congregation
Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 3370087 Ext.122
Website :

Word of God

'നിന്റെ എല്ലാ പ്രവൃത്തികളുംദൈവവിചാരത്തോടെയാകട്ടെ; അവിടുന്ന് നിനക്ക് വഴി തെളിച്ചുതരും,'
(സുഭാ. 03:06)

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