"Love cannot remain by itself -- it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service". Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Men and women who serve as Ushers greet the people and assist in guiding them to seating in the church. They are responsible for collecting the offerings and facilitate the communion at various communion points at the church compound. Ushers provide liturgical pamphlets as needed. At the conclusion of the Mass the Ushers take responsibility to place the pews in order for the next service.
Volunteers support is highly invoked during the feast days for all arrangements, including crowd control, procession, distribution of juice and snack packets etc.
At Present, there are five teams of ushers to provide services under MCC. Each team has a Captain and Vice-Captain.
Every year, the volunteers renew their commitment by filling a form and new members will be added if required with the approval of Spiritual Director.
Holy Mass projections - A dedicated team of young volunteers from Jesus youth extend their skills and time for preparing and presenting the slides for each Malayalam Holy Mass and other Liturgy
Another team of resources are dedicated to register new members and issue membership card.
A Medical team consists of Doctors and Nurses practicing in the UAE extend their services during celebrations when there are more crowd such as feast days to provide first aid services.
P.O.Box : 51200,
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 3370087
Fax: +971 4 3347594
Web: saintmarysdubai.org
Malayalee Catholic Congregation
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 3370087 Ext.122
Website : www.mccdubai.org
Email: info@mccdubai.org